Looking to attract top researchers to your journal in the era of OA? Learn how to leverage behavioral data in Hum to build segments and market opportunities to publish, and discover three effective segment-building strategies for author and reviewer recruitment.
With Hum, you’ll get inspiration for improving event programming from many data sources across your organization. Hum pulls real-time engagement trends from sources like your learning systems, website, blog, marketing, and, of course, recent events, to show you what your audience is most interested in. Use this information to improve future events content, and create new programming proven to excite and engage members, including those you are most keen to reach. Make your programming more relevant, comprehensive, interesting, and better aligned to specific potential attendee populations you may currently be missing.
The Hum Platform shares content intelligence that digs deep into engagement trends across all your digital content. Understand which topics, formats, and lengths are most popular, and see how content engages by segment. Use this information to repurpose your highest-performing content, and revisit pieces that could be great with just a tweak or two. Every piece of content is full of potential, and chances are, it just needs a little refreshing.
Find new life in your legacy systems. Your platforms may be older, but they are capable of generating valuable data on your membership. This data can be unlocked and used to meet its full strategic potential with the right unifying layer. Hum’s intelligence platform makes it easy. Get access to data locked in legacy systems, and use that data in new, digital-first ways.
Hum intelligence reveals the data you need to design strategies for new revenue opportunities. Hum also includes a set of features to help you bring those ideas to life. Read on to discover a use case where an association builds a paid webinar series from a set of high performing free content.